September 14, 2024

F1000 Scientist

Health to Life

Dyspraxia Foundation

2 min read

The Dyspraxia Foundation, established by psychiatrist Dr. Iain Glen, is a research charity based near Inverness, Scotland. It was founded in the 1980s and was previously known as The Highland Psychiatric Research Foundation. It carries out research in conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, autism spectrum disorder, dyspraxia, dyslexia, depression and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Its principal area of research has been the relevance of lipids in these disorders, but recently this has been extended to include the role of genetics.

In 1999 the Ness Foundation became an associate partner in the UHI Millennium Institute. Through its wholly owned commercial subsidiary Pan Diagnostics Limited, the Ness Foundation is working on a diagnostic tool kit consisting of a skin patch, breath test, and a genetic test to enable early detection of serious mental illness and motor disorders.

Various areas the Dyspraxia Foundation can help those affected by developmental dyspraxia by providing them with access to local resources for speech and occupational therapy, as well as helping parents and children develop a better understanding of the disorder. As many of the aspects of dyspraxia can persist into adulthood, it’s important to start therapy early to get the best results. Positive outcomes can be enhanced through physiotherapy.

Speech and fine motor problems are evident in this condition, so people who have it can experience difficulty in performing even simple physical tasks, such as using a knife and fork, dressing themselves, brushing their hair or teeth, locking and unlocking doors, and doing housework. School is also difficult for children with this disorder, as sitting and standing, speaking, concentrating, remembering, and even social skills can be affected. The Dyspraxia Foundation is very helpful to many families experiencing this condition and lets them know they’re not alone and that there IS help.

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